Telephone No. 323-0171
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The Vision of the Provincial Planning & Development Office is anchored on the Philosophy that "People are the end and means of growth and development". With this manifestation, the Office will uphold and pursue best and sustainable practices in local planning and development to attain genuine socio-economic progress, political stability and moral transformation for the lasting benefit of Isabeleños.
The Mission of the Provincial Planning & Development Office is to provide proper direction of the province through effective local planning and development, collaborative action and unity and widespread good governance where plans, programs and projects to be identified and prioritized will generate a prosperous and vibrant climate receptive to long term socio-economic growth and development in the province amidst rapid change.
- Formulate integrated economic, social, physical and other development plans, programs and policies for reconsideration of the local government development council.
- Conducting continuing studies, researches and training programs necessary to evolve and implement.
- Integrate and coordinate all sectoral plans, programs, policies and studies undertaken by different offices/agencies and functional groups.
- Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the different development programs, projects and activities of the local government unit concerned with the approved development/investment plans.
- Prepare comprehensive plans and other development planning documents for consideration of the local government development council.
- Analyze the income and expenditure pattern and formulate and recommend fiscal plans and policies for consideration of the finance committee of the local government unit concerned as provided for under Title Five, Book II of the Local Government Code of 1991.
- Promote people's participation in development planning/programming and monitoring/evaluation within the local government unit concerned.
- Exercise supervision and control over the secretariat of the local government development council and exercise such other powers and performs such other duties and functions as may be prescribed by law or ordinance.
To effectively evolve/operationalize a systematic, responsive and workable planning/development structure for the local government unit concerned.
- Prepare/formulate Annual Accomplishment Report (State of Local Government Report) yearly.
- Update Provincial Socio-Economic and Tourism Profiles and other Planning/Statistical Documents (yearly or as the need arises).
- Conduct necessary project feasibility studies and recommend for their funding and implementation to appropriate agencies (as the need arises).
- Facilitate/coordinate the implementation of infrastructure projects as well as socio-economic programs, projects and activities of the local government unit concerned (regular).
- Act as Secretariat to all planning/development bodies (regular).
- Conduct training activities for planning and development purposes (regular).
- Monitor and evaluate programs, projects and activities undertaken by the local government unit concerned and other special projects financed by foreign institutions (regular).
- Accomplishment Report (October-December)
- Accomplishment Report (September)
- Accomplishment Report (August)
- Accomplishment Report (June - July)
- Accomplishment Report (April - May)
- Accomplishment Report (March)
- Accomplishment Report (February)
- Accomplishment Report (January)
- Annual Accomplishment Report for CY 2023
- Accomplishment Report (December)
- Accomplishment Report (September - November)
- Accomplishment Report (July - August)
- Accomplishment Report (June)
- Accomplishment Report (May)
- Accomplishment Report (April)
- Accomplishment Report (January - March)
- Annual Accomplishment Report for CY 2022
- Accomplishment Report (November - December)
- Accomplishment Report (September - October)
- Accomplishment Report (August)
- Accomplishment Report (July)
- Accomplishment Report (June)
- Accomplishment Report (February - May)
- Accomplishment Report (January)
- Annual Accomplishment Report for the year 2021
- Accomplishment Report (November -December)
- Accomplishment Report (August-October)
- Accomplishment Report (July)
- Accomplishment Report (June)
- Accomplishment Report (March-May)
- Accomplishment Report (January-February)
PDC and PPOC Resolutions
Farmers' Congress at Naguilian, Isabela
Farmers' Congress at San Guillermo, Isabela