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Better Health for all Isabeleños.


To ensure the accessible delivery of an integrated, quality and sustainable health services to all Isabeleños through compassionate and competent health care providers in collaboration with GO's, NGO's and other people organization to improve the quality of life of all I Isabeleños especially its poor and marginalized sector.




Ilagan, Isabela


For efficient, effective and economical governance, the purpose of which is the general welfare of the province and its inhabitants – The Provincial Governor, as Chief Executive shall exercise general supervision and control over the programs, projects, services and activities of the provincial government such as health care services being delivered by the Provincial Office.



The Provincial Health Officer II is responsible for the administration of the promotive, preventive, curative and rehabilitative programs of the health care delivery system within the province and coordinates the health and health related activities of other government agencies and/or non-government organizations. While having administrative supervision and control over the hospitals which implements integrated health and medical services, he has direct administrative and technical control and supervision of the staff and personnel of the integrated provincial Office, to exercise direct technical supervision over all the different Rural Health Units within the province.


              The Provincial Health Officer II shall be assisted by

              Two (2) Provincial Health Officer I.

  • PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER I FOR HOSPITAL OPERATIONS/FACILITIES who shall have technical supervision over district, municipal and Medicare hospitals within the province and by delegated authority, administrative/technical supervision of staff and personnel and curative/rehabilitative activities of the Provincial Hospital component and to perform other duties/functions mandated by the law.
  • PROVINCIAL HEALTH OFFICER I FOR PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIVITIES shall have technical supervision over promotive and preventive activities of district, municipal and Medicare hospitals and Rural Health Units within the province and by delegated authority, administrative/technical supervision of staff and personnel of the Technical Division of the IPHO and to perform other duties and functions mandated by law.

Attached to the Office of the Provincial Health Officer II are two (2) units:

  •  PLANNING UNIT – which shall take charge of the formulation of health development, health operational and capital investment plans. In the absenc4 of a Planning Officer, it shall be headed temporarily by the section Chief of the Technical Division and assisted by a Statistician and Health Educator.
  •  RADIO COMMUNICATION UNIT – shall receive/transmit communication to/from the Regional director/ and/or confidential in nature.

The Integrated Provincial health Office, Isabela is composed of three (3) divisions:

  1. Technical Division
  2. Administrative Division
  3. Clinical Division


The technical Division is headed by the Provincial Health Officer I (FHS) AND assisted by the Chief of the Section who is responsible for the technical supervision and evaluation of the different programs, projects, technical, attitudinal and behavioral capability of personnel.


  • Responsible in the implementation of all programs, projects and activities in the context of the Provincial Area Based Planning.
  • Coordinates the works and activities of the different program coordinators.
  • To attend seminars/workshops, conferences, meetings called for by higher authorities especially that which concerns the different health programs.

Through records check, interview of field personnel and actual observations in group and/or individual field visits, the designated program/project coordinators shall look into the implementation of programs, observe strengths and weaknesses, identify logistic needs, submit suggestions/recommendations, consolidates reports and brief the Provincial Health Officer II on how to improve services. It is composed of seven (7) sections charged with the responsibility of planning and supervising promotive and preventive health services.

  1. CONTROL OF COMMUNICABLE DISEASSES like the control of the tuberculosis, malaria, leprosy and sexually transmitted diseases.
  2. CONTROL OF NON- COMMUNICABLE DISEASES like cardiovascular diseases, mental illnesses and drug abuse.
  3. ENVIRONMENTAL/OCCUPATION DISEASES like the prevention of diarrheal diseases through water and food sanitation and oral dehydration therapy (ORT) and the prevention of occupation diseases through abatement/control of health hazards in agricultural and industrial establishment.
  4. FOOD AND DRUG INSPECTION – regulation of food establishment/food processing plants, barber shops, beauty parlors and drug stores, especially with regards to prohibited drugs and fake medicines.
  5. DENTAL HEALTH- prevention of dental carries oral diseases and dental extraction.
  6. MATERNAL AND CHILD HEALTH – which include family planning, nutrition, under five clinics and the expanded program on immunization.
  7. SUPPORT SERVICES - information/education campaign in support for the different programs and projects and to organize/conduct or facilitate training programs for personnel as per identified needs.


In accordance with the Manual of Organization and Procedures for Administrative Services of the Department of Health, the Administrative Division is headed by the Administrative Officer IV and assisted by Section Chiefs/Administrative Officer III who are responsible to the Chief of Hospital and composed of the following sections:

  1.  ACCOUNTING – headed by the Accountant who is responsible for the systematic recording of all financial transactions; preparation of financial statements and relevant reports; and maintenance and safekeeping of the hospitals Book of Accounts.
  2.  BUDGET – headed by the Section chief who is responsible in the preparation of Work and Financial Plan and provision of fund estimates for hospital programs and projects.
  3.  CASH - headed by the Section Chief/Cashier who handles cash management and implements the prescribes disbursement system and procedures.
  4.  PERSONNEL – headed by the Personnel Officer who is responsible for the various functions like recruitment/selection, appointments, transfer, promotion, leaves and retirements.
  5.  RECORDS – headed by a Record Officer who is responsible for the custody and fidelity of official records; patient clinical records and records of personnel as well as official correspondences and services records/reports.
  6.  MEDICAL SOCIAL WORKER – who through case studies, interviews and check records with Assessor’s Office/DSWD and will determine the capability of patient’s to partially or fully pay hospital fees and/or truly indigent patients.
  7.  PROPERTY AND SUPPLY - headed by the Section Chief who is responsible in the procurement, storage, inventory, distribution and disposition of hospital supplies, materials and vehicles.
  8.  ENGINEERING AND MAINTENANCE – headed by the Section Chief who is responsible in the installation, Operation and Maintenance of electrical, mechanical and communication equipment and allied facilities including buildings and vehicles.
  9.  HOUSEKEEPING- headed by the Section Chief who is responsible in the maintenance of clean, safe and sanitary environment of patients and hospital personnel.
  10.  LINEN AND LAUNDRY – headed by the Section Chief who is responsible for adequate supply of linens for patients and hospital units.
  11.  SECURITY - under the supervision of the Section Chief, ensure the safety of hospital patients, facilities/properties and personnel, maintain peace and order, and enforce hospital rules and regulations.
  12.  TRANPORT – under the supervision of the Section Chief, convey/transport patients, hospital officials and personnel to their destinations.


 1.    HOSPITAL PROPER - under the direct technical supervision of the PHO-I (Hospital Operations) through the Chief of Clinics is incharge with the curative and rehabilitative health care services.

  • MEDICAL STAFF - composed of the departments of Surgery, OB-Gyne, Medicine, Pediatrics, and the medical Anciallary consisting of the following sectors; Radiology, Laboratory, nesthesiology, Pharmacy, Dental, OPD, and Dietary.
  • NURSING STAFF -  headed by the Chief Nurse, distributed through general wards, pay rooms for surgery, OB-Gyne, Medicine, Pediatrics, Operating and Delivery Rooms and OPD, assisted by Nursing Aides provide for nursing services.

 2.     FIELD HEALTH SERVICES - under the direct technical supervision of the PHO-I (Public Health Activities) through the Section head of the Technical Division, are the Rural Health Units in-charged with primary medical care of ambulatory patients and the early/timely referral of serious patients to higher medical care level facilities/hospital.